A blog about creative writing, novel, composition etc.

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Hi im Jieren0721

A Writer, Blogger and Programmer.

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Saturday, May 9, 2020

When you’re down, and feeling tired
Of all the things that is happening to you
Don’t blame the world, and don’t be mad
Cause everything has a reason hope you knew

You can tell, everything to me
I will listen, until your burden’s gone
So here I am, one of your friend
If you want too, with you my time will spend

So just, call me now
I’m waiting, right here
Don’t be, afraid now
I’ll be, staying right here

Why not, pray to God
And all your tears will gone
Your stories will change
When all your hopes are gone

So just, pray to God
You will realize what’s true
He’s just watching you
And can comfort you

When you’re sad, or your days are bad
Or the memories that you’re keeping isn’t good
Don’t blame the past, or the present days
Cause the world has to do it so we grow

Why not stay, with me today
And learn from mistakes, that we’ve made
And I am here, one of your friend
I’ll support you, until your distress ends

So just, call me now
I’m waiting, right here
Don’t be, afraid now
I’ll be, staying right here

Why not, pray to God
And all your tears will gone
You’re stories will change
When all your hopes are gone

So just, pray to God
You will realize what’s true
He’s just watching you
And can comfort you

Just remember that God is always there for us no matter what happens.
No matter how bad or good the situation is. God is always there for us watching and waiting for us to.

1 Corinthians 10:30 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

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